Shop Luxury & Vintage Watches On Reddit


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a Hired Gun

I have been really struggling with simple product photography.  So I bought a lightbox and have been shooting my own images, and to be honest, it has not been going well.  It’s really difficult to get the lighting right, etc.

So  I’ve looked locally and reached out to everyone that looked promising, but no one has responded.  

Then I talked to a bunch of people that wanted to either do on location ‘outdoor photography’ or use AI to photoshop in a dramatic outdoor background, with an actor…

That seemed really cheesy.

So I looked around online to find out how the ‘pros’ were selling watches, and stumbled across the watches and artwork of Stephen of Long Beach (aka ‘soycowboy’ on reddit and IG) and he stopped me scrolling in my tracks…

His art was just too cool.

So I reached out to him and explained myself, what I was trying to do, and asked him if he would make my static ad for me, in his signature style, and he accepted, although he normally doesn’t do this for others.

I can’t wait to see it, but he needs to get a watch to photograph, before he can give me the ad.

So we wait…

So, WHILE we wait, check his artwork and watches, using the links on the left.